You, then, why do you judge your brother or sister? Or why do you treat them with contempt? For we will all stand before God’s judgment seat. Romans 14:10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good …
Steel Rudders
What’s the most important part of a boat? Ask 100 mariners and you’ll hear a combination of the helm and rudder; both used to steer the vessel. I’d venture to say that everyone reading this could identify a rudder on a boat especially if you grew up in the south. It’s the vertical, blade-like appendage mounted either on the boat’s stern or below …
Speak, for your servant hears
I want God to speak to me and I want to be ready to listen and act. Over the past few weeks, I’ve been camped out in 1 Samuel. It’s a great book set in the middle of the Old Testament and full of practical wisdom and wild stories. The book chronicles the life of several key leaders in Israel …
Wisdom v. Folly
Men, my challenge this week is simple and direct. Seek wisdom and reject folly. If you’re a decent man, you want to be wise. If you desire to be a great and Godly man, wisdom is the only option; all folly must be rooted out. One of the most foundational verses in the Bible is Proverbs 9:10 – Fear of …
Take the First Step
Hebrews 11:8 – “By faith, Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to the place which he would receive as an inheritance. And he went out, not knowing where he was going.” Has God ever put a big dream in your heart and you had no idea how that dream would become reality? Oftentimes it’s so easy to …
Entrust to Faithful Men
I have no time. That was my excuse for why I wasn’t spending more time pursuing the things God values. My priorities included building a company, investing in my marriage and just keeping my head above the water with all of life’s responsibilities. The thought of taking time to read and study the Bible would never have landed in my …
The Laborers are Few
With elbows digging into my desk, my blood pressure slowly begins to rise as my tense hands push into my temple. You have got to be kidding me?! I take a deep breath as I massage my brow. This shouldn’t be so hard. In September, my daughter begins competitive cheer and heads back to school so she needs a well …
The Power of 20 Sandwiches
Last week, to celebrate our anniversary, my wife and I took a rare vacation and spent the week on a small island resort off the coast of Florida. When researching the trip, the goal was to find a small, quiet and secluded place to recharge and rest. The first morning I couldn’t wait to get to the private, quiet pavilion …
The Greatest Work To Which We’ve Been Entrusted
There will come a day where we all stand before God and will be judged according to our work. Assuming that each of you have been saved by the Work of Jesus, completed on the cross, you’ll find yourself in God’s presence at the glorious gates of heaven. This location is known as the Judgement Seat of Christ (or Bema …
No Duct Tape – Just a Choice
Five things each man considers. First, is Heaven and Hell real? Second, if so, how can we avoid hell and get to Heaven. Third, once we get to heaven, what will it be like? Will everyone’s experience be the same? Simply put, do we get the same rewards or blessings? Fourth, how can we be assured that we will get …