Oak Tree Roots

They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit. Jeremiah 17:18

An oak tree can live up to 600 years, and the roots of oak are not only deep but wide. Oaktree wood is not only durable but the canopy offers a large area of shade and protection for birds that chose to have a nest. One may describe an oak as one of beauty, strength, and protection with deep roots of wisdom and longevity.

In order for an oak tree to grow to massive measures there are three main conditions – seed, soil, and water. 

The seed must be an acorn, the soil must have nutrients and moisture must be present. Once an oak tree is mature there is little that can bring it down. Wind, hail, winter freeze, earthquakes, tornados. No matter what hits it. IT STANDS! Why?! Because it’s an oak.

Men, we want to be OAKS! Like an oak tree, every strong and Godly man starts with the singular seed of being a child of God! Second, we must be set in good soil and be mindful of our environment. We all need spiritual, physical, and emotional nourishment. You need nutrients, this means who you spend time with, what you eat and drink, and what you do in your spare time.

Third, we need water, constant water! This is not once a month but daily. Yes, stay hydrated with physical water but we must drink from the deep spiritual well of living water provided by Jesus. This is the truly satisfying water from God’s Word. As we simply read the manual given to us by God, liquid life flows through our veins.

God’s Word is clear – all good things come from him. James 1:17 says “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” Wisdom and a long life come from reading and meditating on His word. The psalmist puts it this way – The law of the Lord is perfect, restoring the soul; The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple (Psalm 19:7).

This is God’s way of giving us the ability to become an OAK. You are not made to be a weed that will be mowed over by the next storm in your life. God, our Creator has called and qualified you to become an OAK. The formula is simple – seed, nutrients, and water. You have what it takes but it’s your choice to be planted, groomed, and grown! For the first 30 years of my life, I had no interest, but after years of watching what happens to those who reject good soil and water, I now know that there is only one option for me. Spend ample time with my Savior in His Word (water), surround myself with good men (soil), and over time allow God to grow me to become an oak of a man. Wise, Strong, Provider, and Protector with Longevity!

Steve Thomas, RTM