The Hidden Treasure

Imagine finding a great treasure that unlocked endless wisdom and prosperity for humanity, providing unlimited access to navigating and empowering our lives as men! This treasure encompasses wisdom, health, power, family, business guidance, and prosperity. Fortunately, this invaluable treasure is accessible to all of us. In the Gospel of Matthew, we are offered a glimpse of the significance of uncovering this treasure.

Matthew 13:44
The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.

Notice how the first man found the hidden treasure in a field and, with joy, left and sold everything so he could return and buy the whole field. He didn’t own the field, yet he went and sold everything, then returned so he could purchase the entire field. This ‘find’ wasn’t just important; it was worth everything. If he discovered the treasure in a field he didn’t own, why didn’t he take his finding and leave? I believe it’s because he knew there was more treasure to uncover in the field. In essence, that one discovery marked the beginning of something much larger, and he was aware of it. Imagine the magnitude of this single find! This one treasure was more significant and worth more than all his possessions, and he wanted it all. In verse 45, the merchant looking for fine pearls finds one fine pearl and, like the first man, goes away and sells everything so he can buy it! 

Matthew 13:45, 46
Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls.  When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it. 

Notice that the second man searched for fine pearls and found one of great value. He was looking for many yet found one, yet that one was worth selling everything so he could purchase it. As we ponder both of these men, one finds a great treasure, yet the other man is searching for many. The first man had yet to look when he found it. He realized he had found something more significant than all his wealth and possessions and needed to own the whole field! He knew there was much, much more. The second man, unlike the first, was searching for many pearls. Like us, he might have believed that the secret to a successful life comes from many sources. Yet, in his find, he realized that he had found the secret of man’s success locked up in one source, one pearl. There was no need to own many pearls; one was enough. Two men––one found, and one sought, yet both were willing to sell everything when the one treasure and one pearl were found. Men, whether we stumble over God’s Word or intentionally pursue it, a true treasure is secured when we find it. Through His Word, we find truth, His will, and salvation! As you seek His will through His Word, you will begin to see that other pearls in life have no value; only His treasured Words have real value.

Matthew 6:33
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

We unlock not only all truth through His Word but also a treasure chest of wisdom, understanding, prosperity, protection, peace, rest, love, and direction through Scripture. He (Our Father) desires to share the treasures He holds with us. The very nature of God is to bless His children. This blessing comes through a relationship with Him, cultivated through His Word. His Word and prayer open the door to every need a person has. So, whether we are actively seeking or stumbling upon truth like the two men who found the treasure or pearl, they recognized the significance of their discovery in both cases. They understood the importance of what they had found, and from that point on, nothing else mattered. Whether we stumble upon or actively seek God’s truth through His Word, we, as individuals, need to consider the magnitude of this find. God, the creator of the universe, has entrusted each of us with a treasure, a marvelous pearl. He has handed down from Heaven His Word that unlocks our needs. The amazing part of His Word is that it is marvelously crafted to uniquely speak and navigate each of us as His creation! His unchanging Word is a guide to His children in our uniqueness. So why were the two men willing to sell everything when they found it? Because nothing else mattered!

Have a great day!

S. L. Thomas, RTM