Remembering the Life & Learning from Marshall Foster

Real men have a rich faith and a genuine love for God.
Real men love their wife.
Real men study history and learn from the wisdom therein.
Real men read and never tire of learning.
Real men never compromise truth.
Real men celebrate freedom.
Real men endeavor to wage war on tyranny.
Real men take dominion and lead with authority according to God’s instruction.
Real men surround themselves with men of character.
Real men are kind, compassion and caring.

These attributes and more can all be attributed to the man, Marshall Foster. A real man of character, honor and courage.

Friday afternoon, Dr. Marshall Foster took his final breath and immediately found himself in the presence of Jesus. At that moment, our world and our beloved country suffered a staggering blow. Since 1976, Dr. Foster has dedicated his life to educating and equipping men and women on the biblical and historical foundations of liberty.  Marshall’s writing, seminars, lectures and trainings have influenced  hundreds of thousands in conferences and classrooms with tangible impact overflowing into homes, churches, the marketplace and government.

There is no conceivable replacements for Marshall Foster. Search the land and one will be hard pressed to find an academic mind, a righteous heart and a prophetic voice anchored in the Word of God. Marshall Foster was that man and a great void is left in the wake of his passing.

There is pain and heartache for many. Please be in prayer for Marshall’s family and friends. Pray for his wife, Trish along with his children and grand-children. Also be vigilant in prayer for Kirk Cameron, one of Marshall’s dearest friends and ministry partners.

Marshall Foster is and forever will be a Red Truck Man. You will be missed friend.

Incredible read! We have a few copies if anyone would like one. Reach out –

Great Videos published by Marshall Foster:

The Power of Prayer – A Message from the Isle of Iona

The Pilgrims Formula To Save America!

Kirk Cameron Interviews Dr. Foster