No Trophies, Only Crowns!

What if there were no trophies, medals, or rings for athletic accomplishment, no prize for finishing first? Imagine winning the Super Bowl without celebrating or acknowledging the hard-fought victory. Now picture finishing first place in the Olympics with no medal ceremony. Suppose, after months and years of rigorous training and sacrifice, victories were greeted with silence and indifference. Without celebrations and awards, would anyone still be willing to make the sacrifices necessary to win?

While recognizing both sacrifice and victory, we also value the appreciation of trophies. They are often displayed on shelves alongside pictures as reminders of what once was. The reward is usually fleeting and only lasts for a season. What if an athlete could exchange their trophy for an eternal crown that they could wear instead of placing it on a shelf to collect dust? God’s Word encourages us to store up our treasures in Heaven.

Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom. Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will never fail, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. (Luke 12:32-33)

We are either taking credit for the good things we are doing now for man’s temporary approval, or we are sowing seeds so that God will give us the crown that is everlasting. As men, our lives on earth are temporary, but Heaven is eternal. The good deeds we perform to please God are often done in silence, and these acts carry forward with us. In contrast, the rewards we receive on earth for seeking human praise are fleeting and ultimately meaningless—nothing is passed on! Nothing! It is important to recognize that what we accumulate on earth is temporary and will eventually fade away. The things we sow in Heaven become heavenly crowns (“Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.” 2 Timothy 4:8).

When we give, don’t give as the hypocrites do in a way that says, “Look at me!” When we see our names on cancer centers, homeless shelters, and other places––that is our only reward. But when we, in silence, help those in need, the check we send becomes a reward passed on to Heaven. Our storehouse in Heaven is getting larger. God tells us not to let the right hand know what the left hand is doing.

But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. (Matthew 6:3-4)

In 2 Timothy 2:4, we are reminded as soldiers not to become entangled in civilian matters, but to focus on pleasing our commanding officer (“No one serving as a soldier gets entangled in civilian affairs, but rather tries to please his commanding officer.”). Our commanding officer is the Lord God, and we are to run the race and give Him glory. The race we run should follow the rules, but He should be the One who gets the glory. It’s not by our strength that we win a race or even compete. He is the One who gives us health, discipline, and the desire to compete.

In 2 Timothy 2:6, it is stated that “the hard-working farmer should be the first to share in the crops.” A farmer works hard, but he still needs the rain and good soil. In fact, the farmer doesn’t even bring the growth of the crops—God does! How can a farmer claim full credit for his successful harvest when he knows that he would have nothing without God’s guidance?

So, men––who gave us the money to give to charity? Who gave us the health to run a race? Who gave us the idea of starting a business? Do we run a race for the sake of gaining recognition, hanging a crown on our shelves for others to see? Should we not express our gratitude to our Heavenly Father, who empowers us to run the race for Him? We must give Him all the glory, for the treasures that we store up in Heaven are due to His provision.

Unfortunately, I often forget that every good thing comes from Him!

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.(James 1:17)

Notice the verse says not some good things, but every good thing comes from God. Sadly, I often put myself on a throne, not giving credit to the One who is sitting on the throne! Our Father in Heaven loves us so much that He wants to provide us with opportunities to store up treasures in Heaven and not on earth.

So, as He gives us opportunities, we ought to give Him all the honor––all our would-be trophies, because we would have nothing to offer without Him. Replace your trophies for crowns!

Have a great weekend,

Stephen L. Thomas, RTM