I have no time.
That was my excuse for not spending more time pursuing the things God values. My priorities included building a company, investing in my marriage, and keeping my head above the water with all life’s responsibilities. The thought of taking time to read and study the Bible would never have landed in my daily planner. The idea of meeting a couple of guys over breakfast to talk about God would have been preposterous––at least in my head. Giving back was a duty, not a joy. Yet, little did I see that God was slowly pruning as He pursued me to take greater steps of obedience. Over the past 10+ years, so much has changed as I understand what it means to abide in Christ. One passage that God has used to shape my calling as a man is 2 Timothy 2:2.
And what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also. 2 Timothy 2:2
Wow, what a verse! Such a simplistic leadership plan! God is looking for men who will listen, be trustworthy, and be faithful. God’s plan to grow His kingdom is clear and direct. But I’ll be honest—my first thought was—that’s a preacher’s job! Nope. God is looking for soldiers, trustworthy men to equip with His Word. Men of character who will lead the charge. Men with enough humility to listen and glean the truth from someone, then repeat the process with others.
The two characters involved in the dialogue of this verse are interesting. Paul, the author, is a stud. He’s confident. He’s authoritative with the experience, accolades, education, and pedigree to make a statement that begins, “What you have heard from me.” What truly makes Paul great, though, is that he’s a humble and broken man who sees himself as the ‘chief of all sinners.’ (1 Timothy 1:15, Romans 7:15-20, 1 Corinthians 15:9)
Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst. 1 Timothy 1:15
For I am the least of the apostles and do not even deserve to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God. 1 Corinthians 15:9
Then there’s Timothy, Paul’s uneducated and inexperienced mentee. He’s a young man who grew up in a pagan culture with an absent or distant father but a strong, believing mother (Acts 16:1-3; 2 Timothy 1:5). In the confines of this mentoring relationship, Paul lays out a simple, powerful pattern: Listen to my instruction, then begin a domino effect of discipleship.
Men, do you realize we’ve been entrusted with God’s Word? The Lord is calling us to be faithful. Others—whether they know it or not—rely on us to relay the truth. Trustworthy. Faithful. Reliable. Are these attributes reflected in my character?
If I’m lacking in one or all, what’s the outcome? Well, the long-term consequences aren’t good. While God is patient and full of grace, Scripture is clear about what happens to fruitless trees. Compost! Those trees eventually wither, are cut off, and thrown into the fire.
The ax is already at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire. Matthew 3:10
You may not feel qualified to teach the Bible and share about all that Jesus has done. Be encouraged; I’m with you. I’ve never had formal training, and I’ve never read the Bible cover to cover in one year. But, as we read and unpack this verse, Paul reminds us that God is not looking for Bible scholars and lofty thinkers but ordinary, rugged, genuine men who are trustworthy, reliable, and teachable.
In closing, notice the progression. The end of the verse says, “Men WILL also be able to teach others.” Hear God’s Word, rely daily on the truth of Scripture, and entrust it to someone else. God enables you to be an effective messenger as you work that simple process. The Holy Spirit is the Qualifier! No need to spruce up the message or distort the Word of God.
This isn’t a command for the spiritual elite, but for every man. All men, not some, but ALL. We’re all called to have a role. Do we have to be a pastor with a congregation? No! Do we have to have a lot of money? Nope. Smart? Nope. Athletic? Nope. College degree? No way. Good-looking? Thank God for me, nope! The only qualifier is to know Jesus personally. With God’s strength, we become more trustworthy, reliable, willing, and able to teach others what we have heard.
RTM is all about reliable, trustworthy, teachable men of God. We start with a breakfast invitation, fellowshipping, and an eagerness to learn and share! Find time this week to read, study, and share 2 Timothy 2:2.
See you at breakfast,
Stephen L. Thomas, RTM