The Co-Pilot of Godly Wisdom

When we are saved, the Spirit of God becomes present within us. Prior to our salvation, we operate under the wisdom of man. The carnal nature of man influences human wisdom, whereas men of God operate under the direction of the Holy Spirit. Man’s wisdom operates under man’s desires which seek to satisfy the flesh. That flesh seeks gold, silver, fame, wealth and lust. Throughout God’s Word, the Lord says that man’s flesh cannot be satisfied. We move from one fleshy desire to the next—yearning for a bigger house, faster car, more lucrative career, greater popularity, etc.
During our youth, we spend time building up the desires of the flesh, and as we grow older, we shift to safeguarding what the flesh has acquired. Simply put, the wealth amassed in our youth is our flesh operating to satisfy flesh; however as we age, our focus shifts to protecting our wealth! Both of these operate within man’s so-called wisdom which is governed by man’s flesh! Unfortunately, man’s wisdom has been built on shifting sand.
Matthew 7:24-27
Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it.
Not only can our flesh never be fully satisfied (it’s never enough) but as the tides of life shift, so does our fleshly focus!  When houses are built on sand we then focus on building with different materials! When flesh isn’t satisfied in marriage, we shift to another partner! When flesh says your job isn’t satisfying, we pivot to another employment opportunity. Navigating with the co-pilot of our flesh, under the guidance of man’s wisdom, seldom results in a peaceful landing. In fact, you’ll never land because you have no destination! God’s Spirit abiding in us gives us access to divine wisdom!  God created the heavens and earth, we should want to know how to operate within the very earth He created! Why? Cause earthly wisdom is foolishness to God!
1 Corinthians 3:19
For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God’s sight. As it is written: “He catches the wise in their craftiness.
Without God’s wisdom guiding you like air traffic control, you won’t just land on the wrong runway; you might find yourself hopping from one runway to the next! Indeed, without His wisdom, we can do nothing. In John 15:5 Jesus says, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”
If you’re reading this thinking “I’ve done a lot without seeking God’s will!” Yes, you may have but you are only breathing because of His grace and will! God graciously allows blessings and goodness to unfold in your life whether you realize that or not. If God let you accumulate wealth in the first part of your life, even if it was guided by an earthly co-pilot, He can guide the second part of your life to understand the true meaning of wealth with the support of a better Co-Pilot!
Co-pilot number one knows how to fly, but co-pilot number two not only is the best pilot but He built the aircraft and made the sky the plane flies in!  Man’s wisdom may give you victory in the eyes of men but God’s wisdom gives us victory in God’s eyes! Man’s wisdom affords temporary pleasure while God’s wisdom gives us eternal joy! Man’s wisdom produces frustrations and anxiety while God’s wisdom produces love, joy, and peace!
When we, as men, seek our will over God’s will we are only building a house on sand.  Yes, the house may look impressive both inside and out and even impress the neighbors, but the foundation of sand is shifting.
God’s foundation on the other hand is secure. The rocks of God don’t shift! God is clear that if we seek His will over ours, we build on a better bedrock. When we operate in earthy wisdom, we become internally focused; prioritizing our desired will. But when we operate under the will of God, through His Spirit, then we are allowing the Creator of ALL things, who knows ALL things to direct our steps. Adam failed to listen to God in the Garden and look what happened. God offered a promise of lifelong protection, prosperity, and peace asking only for obedience in return. Seeking to diminish God’s holiness and downplay the importance of God’s Word, Satan lures Adam and Eve with earthly wisdom. The first humans were tempted with earthly wisdom which inflames the flesh!
When this happens, we as men are putting ourselves on the throne of God! We’re asking God to step aside. We’re saying ‘God, thanks but I can take it from here.’ Adam is the first display of seeking man’s wisdom over God’s wisdom. It never works! The fruit only tasted good for a moment! That one mistake cost Adam everything. Men, apart from God we can do nothing! So as we head into next year, take ownership of being proud that you’re a child of God!  He created you to stay in the Garden. Don’t allow earthly desires to overcome or influence your calling to honor His Word and will! Live in permanent victory over satisfying short-term flesh which leads to guaranteed failure! Feed God’s wisdom by abiding in His Word! 

Have a blessed week! 

Steve Thomas