Have you ever met a man who’s just a good guy? The guy who let you use his car when you didn’t have one, maybe gave you money when you needed some, or even helped you move! If you ask most men if they’re a good guy, many may say yes. While being a good guy to your friends is …
Wisdom in No!
Many years ago, I asked a very successful businessman if he would like to consider joining me in buying and developing a property. No sooner did I get the words out than his answer was ‘No!’ It wasn’t, ‘I’m going to pray about it,’ or ‘Let me think about it!’ His reply was just, ‘NO!’ Being that he was a successful business …
Faith Never Exercised
Many of us grab a cup of coffee before heading to work every morning. Imagine you’re waiting in line at Starbucks, and the stranger in front of you turns and says, “I’m going to buy you a cup of coffee!” Most of us would not refuse a free cup of coffee. Now imagine that the same stranger hands you your cup …
Good Manager of the Garden
God created the heavens, the earth, and all living creatures in six days, and on the seventh day, He rested. Every type of plant, every mountain, river, tree, and all the animals that reside on earth, He made. Then, after everything was created, He decided to bring in a manager, someone to take care of His creation. On the sixth …
Weeds to Wheat
Our salvation only comes from one Source, and it begins with recognizing that we are born into sin because of Adam. His sinful nature and the penalty of sin, which is death, are inherited by all humanity. God, in His love, sent His son, Jesus, to pay the price for sin, every Man’s sin. But here’s the issue: not all …
The Hidden Treasure
Imagine finding a great treasure that unlocked endless wisdom and prosperity for humanity, providing unlimited access to navigating and empowering our lives as men! This treasure encompasses wisdom, health, power, family, business guidance, and prosperity. Fortunately, this invaluable treasure is accessible to all of us. In the Gospel of Matthew, we are offered a glimpse of the significance of uncovering …
Family Tree – Pt. 2
We have inherited the consequences of Adam’s sin, resulting in separation from our Father and death. But thanks to our Father in Heaven, He pardons our sin when we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Similar to Adam, God’s creation faces the same two choices––obedience or disobedience. As Adam’s descendants, we bear some of the consequences of his disobedience. We miss out …
Family Tree – Pt. 1
All men have a family tree. When we ponder the family tree and consider the good and bad qualities we may have inherited, we often look to the qualities of our fathers and grandfathers. In my case, and in the case of many others, my father was an alcoholic and abusive. Yet, my grandfather was a humble, godly man. As …
He’s More Than a Creator
When Jesus came to die for our sins, He was both fully God and fully man. He was God in flesh. John 1:1-2 says “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning.” Without Him being fully God in the form of man, man could …
The Image of God & Our Purpose as Men
God is a creator. He created light, heaven and earth, the galaxies, mountains, oceans, stars – everything! Out of nothing, God spoke and brought the world into existence. God created marvel after marvel building towards the capstone of His creation – mankind. Everything that God made, He proudly declared to be good. So with that, He set the stage by …